Sunday, 13 June 2010


Well, my presentation went fine in the end!  In fact, we had a blast!

I had to help Josh's Mum with getting the computer set up - we had a whizzy presentation with video and allsorts embedded in it!  OK - I have no idea what the "embedded" bit means, but no one seems to have realised that yet!

So, what is it with Libraries and biscuits?

Very nice Louise got me a hot chocolate too - the machine was so complicated - the drink was inside a plastic sachet and I nearly burnt my hands on it - so Louise got me a special holder for the cup!

Then Louise gave me another drink - she said it was grape juice.
It tasted yummy - hic!

The hot chocolate that I had earlier, made my legs go all rubbery!  So Louise (I liked her alot!) gave me a whizz on this trolley.  She said it was the trollley they wheel all their sweet treats around on.  She went very fast!  But I helped her pick up the lady she knocked over!

Louise thought I had bumped myself so kissed it better for me....she has lovely eyes, don't you think?

Errhhhmmmmm - hmmmm...cough!

Thanks for looking


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