Thursday, 15 July 2010

Health and Safety!

We have to be careful that our libraries are safe for everybody - so today I looked at some of the things that could happen to us and how to prevent them!

This is Christopher showing me the fire extinguishers.  We have to check that they are all where they should be and are serviced regularly.

I wanted to set this one off (just to check it worked of course!) but Christopher wouldnt let me!

Climbing on things is dangerous - don't do it - even if you do have very short legs!!!

You really should find out what things are and how they work before you "interact" with them.......

......Michael was really cross with me - how was I to know it was a shredder???

I think that would have smarted!

Drinking on duty is frowned upon!  I have to point out that this isn't alcoholic!  I couldn't possibly risk being near alcohol - not with my "bottom burp" issues - talk about flammable!!!

Josh's Mum really told me off when she caught me doing this!  She said that the glass might have broken and cut my.......ermmmm.....errrrrr....TAIL!

She also said it was terribly unhygenic!

I am pretty sure that having Michael threaten to karate chop you is also against health and safety too!

Michael's Mum came and saved me!!!  Ooooooo you should have seen her telling off Michael afterwards!  Phew!!!  I didnt mind - she was really sweet to me!

Dexter x

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