Saturday, 28 August 2010

Day Out and FAME!!!

I have been NUDGED by Josh's Mum to finally put this post up!  During the summer holidays, we went to London and went on one of the topless buses (is that right??? TOPLESS???).  It was a lovely day and we got to see all the famous places in London.

I travelled in this rather pink bag!!!  Josh's Mum said that I would never keep up if I walked and I am not allowed to fly (it causes too much of a fuss!), so I had to be carried!  To start with, I was mortified at the thought, but, as the day wore on and I got tired, I actually quite enjoyed it.  Next time, I really hope they use a different colour bag though!

Josh's Mum says she loves this picture of the two of us - aw shucks!

Peek-a-boo!  Hee hee! 

The sun was quite bright so Josh lent me his "shades" - they didnt fit too well, but were ok as long as I only tried to look through one side!

Josh's Mum decorated Josh's knees - and ankles!  Apparently, Josh's Mum had got bored while waiting in the car park for cheap parking to was only 5 minutes and saved us £5!!!   You REALLY dont want to let Josh's Mum get bored!!!  Josh's Dad just sighed when he saw it - I think this sort of thing happens quite alot!

I know this looks like an example of really bad photography....but, it was taken while we were moving...and the guide man was talking about me!!!  He was saying that whenever you cross the borders into the City of London there are dragons!!!  So, Josh's Dad held me up and I had my picture taken.  The guide introduced me to everyone on the bus - I was nearly as red as the bus by the time everyone had said hello!!!

The day we went was the same day that they launched the bike hire scheme in London (I told you I was late posting this!).  Of course, I had to get my picture taken ON one of the bikes.  They were not very comfortable for me - and I really would not have been able to reach the pedals - so they are not for me!

After the bus trip, we went on a boat down to Greenwich - this was us having lunch.  I especially liked the chilli nuts!

After lunch, we had a wander around the craft market and met this lovely lady!  She makes things from felt and also gives lovely cuddles!  Can you see all the beautiful things she has made?

Josh, his mum and I then had a go at making felt strawberries!  They were such fun to do...Josh's Mum bought a kit to use at home!  She is a bit crafty....I don't mean sneaky (well apart from when there is chocolate!), she likes making things.  She has made a mobile phone case from the felt - I dont like it very much but she does so I guess thats good!

This was the lady holding me up so that I could get a better look at HER dragon.  It was awfully good - and can you see the angel????

Oh - and I am famous!!!  The wonderful Tom Meeks has linked my blog to his blog...or his blog to my blog...oh, I dont know!  Josh's Mum has just told me that you will have no idea who Tom is...well he is a lovely man who has been testing a machine that Josh's Mum is thinking about getting.  I wont link to his blog from here - in case the boss tells me off (!!!!) - but if you find it and visit, make sure you say Hi from Dexter!

I am going to go and have some tea now!

Dexter x

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