Saturday, 8 May 2010

Meeting of Minds!

Friday morning I was invited to attend a meeting with Josh's Mum, Jan and Lorraine.  Jan and Lorraine are both storytellers - or should that be Lorraine and Jan?  You see, Lorraine has been storytelling for a living for a while now and Jan is fairly new to it all so maybe it should be Lorraine and Jan - not Jan and Lorraine!

ANYWAY!  We were all talking about a brilliant project around a children's book - The Secret Garden.  It was really odd because the minute THAT book was mentioned they all got gooeeyy!  No really!  There is a long way to go yet before the project can be spoken about in public - I feel quite honoured now because I get to know about it before other people!  Sometimes its like that though - when things are being planned sometimes they are kept a secret until they are "firmed up a bit" - well thats what they told me when I said I was going to blog about the meeting!

This is me with the ladies - Lorraines is on the left and Jan is on the right - I am in the middle!

In the afternoon, Josh's Mum had a meeting with Nicky (she of the scary Librarian Hard Stare) and Ann (the boss lady) so I went and had a nose around - see what I discovered! 

I am not under 16 or over 60 so I dont qualify to swim for free - but I am going to go swimming later today.

Josh has even lent me his goggles so I don't get chlorine in my eyes.  Josh says it really hurts and makes your eyes go red and blurry.  He said that I might not need them (the swimming pool he goes to isnt too "chloriney" but I thought I would take them just in case.

Oh - and the final piece of news......I can now announce my name!  The branch that suggested my name was Rainham - all the staff, except for Dave, thought it was a good name - they said that they named me after the author Colin Dexter who writes crime novels - they suggested I could be a "detective dragon!".  Hmmmm, I like the sound of that!

Ok - am off for my swim now


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