Saturday, 29 May 2010

Libraries aren't what I expected them to be!

You know, Libraries aren't what I expected them to be!

Hmmmmm - I was a little confused when I met this chap on the front desk of one of the libraries!  It turns out that they run a Saturday Club (there are a few of these in the libraries now) and that this was one of the things they had made.  He is a cress head!  I wasn't formally introduced so I don't know his name....but he looked like a Timothy to me!  Quiet fellow!

This creature had a bit more to say....Baahhhh!  Now, I am the first to admit that my "sheep" is a little rusty but I thought I would have a go at translating for you.....

I THINK he was saying...."Darwin's theory of evolution must have transmoggified with Einstein's theory of relativity and bumped into a camel on it's way back from the Thar Desert" .....although, as I said, I am a little rusty - he could just have been saying Baaaaa!

Then, I went into another room and found this funny thing - turns out it belongs to the children from the Children's Centre - thought the sheep was up to it's tricks again!

And into another room......and I found these beauties!  Now - you have to realise that I was not actually eating them...more examining them with the inside of my mouth - its a well-known dragon technique to discover...what...something...erm .....tastes like?

Hey, you can't blame me....look what was left over from the recent "Events meeting"!  And barely a morsel passed my lips!

As I said....libraries really aren't what I expected them to be!

Dexter x

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